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Ali Santano

I`m a mother to a sweet pre-teen and a wife to a sweet Guatemalan...I mean, who else do you know that is? :-) I live in Heath, Texas, and work my Park Lane business around being a stay at home mom. My dream is to show my daughter every continent on this earth, and since Park Lane does 2 trips a year, it`s my WHY! Will work for Travel!

I am on a mission to help women build a lucrative and flexible income. Opportunity is my is the vehicle. We are the Treasure Tribe.

Today, I’m Company Vice President with Park Lane. I have 10 years experience in the direct sales industry with another company where I led a team of 1200+ women and was one of the top earners worldwide. In April os 2018, 8 other executive leaders & I took a scary leap of faith to leave a 6 figure income to restart for an even bigger opportunity. My passion is helping women replace or create a flexible lucrative income, which is what I was able to do upon leaving my previous full time corporate position in Pharmaceutical Sales. I was pregnant, the industry found me or I found it...whichever came first I’m not sure, but that was 10 years ago, and I’m so glad it did! I’m a better mom, wife, daughter, sister, and friend after creating a life in direct sales with amazing women and a few good men for 10 years!

Get in touch with me!